Dear readers, now that AdamsAcrylics has been in the air for quite some time now, I am always looking forward to new products, innovative ideas and even better service. I thought it would be fun to look back through a short blog!
How did it all start?
Before I even started AdamsAcrylics, I always had a background as an engineer, specialized in Flow Control at a beautiful innovative technical company specialized in membrane technology. That is of course very different from Pokémon. But one technical project from my former job has always stayed with me: Developing a high-pressure stainless steel module through which a corrosive substance called Isopropanol flowed, with an acrylic viewing chamber to visually monitor what was happening in that chamber. One of my tasks was to investigate which type of acrylic was resistant to Isopropanol and at the same time UV resistant. I researched several types, and you probably guessed it: I quickly discovered that Polyacrylonitrile, a purified form of PMMA, was the most robust.
The idea
Now we jump forward a few months. The corona pandemic broke out, and I rediscovered my old hobby: collecting Pokémon cards. It was an overwhelming wave of nostalgia. Before I knew it, I was completely dedicated to collecting the beautiful sets of the past. At the same time, I realized how much value there was in Pokémon cards and boxes, but also how vulnerable they were. I also saw that the offer was very limited. This was the moment when my background as an engineer and my passion for Pokémon merged, and AdamsAcrylics was born. I have to say, I found it quite exciting to start a business!
The start of AdamsAcrylics
After a long search, I finally found a manufacturer that met my requirements for the material. After several prototypes, I finally had the right type of acrylic case that I was happy with. Now came the challenge to provide others with the same quality and thus bring it to the market. After creating a website and investing an incredible amount of time into brand awareness, my products became increasingly popular and my customers were extremely satisfied with the quality. This was a great experience, both for the engineer in me and for the passionate collector.
Where are we standing right now
Now, months later, I have reached the magical milestone of 25,000 Acrylic Cases delivered, something I am incredibly proud of. I will always continue to strive for quality and service, so that I can offer even more types of Acrylic Cases. Even now that this market is starting to become saturated and more and more suppliers are arriving. Just a quick note: I must say that I feel quite honored that more and more providers want to use our design. That means we really did something good! (although they of course claim that the cases are their own designed ones, competing on price is of course easier than quality :p) Why no patent? Well, it's an Acrylic Case and not a particle accelerator. I'm an engineer and not an inventor (not yet :p).
Anyway, I really want to emphasize that the whole story of AdamsAcrylics would never have been possible without the fantastic 'AdamsAcrylics community'. My deepest gratitude goes out to you, the community, my valued customers and business partners, for all you have done for the AdamsAcrylics brand. You make this adventure possible.
With gratitude, Casper Adams
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